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Spring MCQ Question and Answer for Freshers

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Spring MCQ Question and Answer for Freshers


1. Spring is authorized under

  1. GNU
  2. Apache Permit 2.0
  3. GNU Lesser Overall population Permit
  4. Open source

AnswerApache Permit 2.0


2. Spring is created by

  1. Red Cap Programming
  2. Daniel Fernández
  3. Apache
  4. Critical Programming

Answer: Critical Programming


3. Which one of following is a choice to Spring HibernateTemplate

  1. Rest context oriented meetings
  2. HibernateContext
  3. All of the referenced
  4. None of the referenced

Answer: Rest context oriented meetings


4. Which of following strategy is utilized to nimbly closure all the bean processes in the wake of shutting the spring compartment?

  1. destory technique
  2. shutdownHook
  3. meeting technique
  4. None of these

Answer: shutdownHook


5. What is the extent of bean in portlet setting?

  1. meeting
  2. worldwide meeting
  3. demand
  4. model

Answer: worldwide meeting


6. Might we at any point incorporate Swaggers with Spring?

  1. Indeed
  2. No

AnswerIndeed, we can.


7. What is the default extent of the beans?

  1. Model
  2. meeting
  3. Demand
  4. Singleton

Answer: Singleton


8. What is bean in Spring?

  1. A part
  2. An Article
  3. A class
  4. A holder

Answer: an article


9. How to utilize <ref> in spring system?

  1. is utilized with bean id
  2. is utilized with string values

Answer: is utilized with bean id


10. Which strategy is utilized to handle bean before instatement callback

  1. postProcessAfterInitialization()
  2. scope
  3. postProcessBeforeInitialization()
  4. it's own constructor

Answer: postProcessBeforeInitialization()

Spring MCQ Question and Answer for Freshers