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Ruby MCQ Questions with Answer

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Ruby MCQ Questions with Answer


1. Is Ruby a specifically language?

  1. Indeed
  2. No

Answer) Indeed


2. Ruby is an item situated broadly useful programming language.

  1. Misleading
  2. Valid
  3. View Reply

Answer) Valid


3. ........... language structure coordinates with the Ruby's grammar.

  1. Java
  2. PHP
  3. Perl
  4. None of above
  5. View Reply

Answer) Perl


4. Which of coming up next is the document augmentation utilized for saving the ruby record?

  1. .rb
  2. .ruby
  3. .rrb
  4. None of above

Answer) .rb


5. Which of the accompanying datatypes are substantial in Ruby?

  1. String
  2. Boolean
  3. Numbers
  4. The entirety of the Abovementioned

Answer) The entirety of the Abovementioned


6. What are the grouping of ruby strings?

  1. 8-bit bytes
  2. 10-bit bytes
  3. 16-bit bytes
  4. None of above

Answer) 8-bit bytes


7. Which of coming up next are substantial drifting point exacting in ruby?

  1. 0.2
  2. 0.5
  3. 1.0
  4. None of above

Answer) 0.5


8. What does the .upcase technique do?

  1. Convert the string to lowercase
  2. Convert the string to capitalized
  3. Convert just lowercase string to capitalized as well as the other way around
  4. None of above

Answer) Convert the string to capitalized


9. Which of the accompanying sort of remarks are substantial in ruby?

  1. Single Line
  2. Various Line
  3. Both Single and Various Line
  4. None of above

Answer) Both Single and Numerous Line


10. Which of the accompanying image is utilized for remarking in ruby?

  1. *
  2. /
  3. #
  4. $

Answer) #

Ruby MCQ Questions with Answer