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  • CBSE CLASS 10th Physics MCQ With ANSWER

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    CBSE CLASS 10th Physics MCQ With ANSWER   1. The picture framed by retina of natural eye is Virtual and erect  Genuine and upset  Virtual and upset  Genuine

  • Spring MCQ Question and Answer for Freshers

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    Spring MCQ Question and Answer for Freshers   1. Spring is authorized under GNU Apache Permit 2.0 GNU Lesser Overall population Permit Open source Answer: Apache P

  • Ruby MCQ Questions with Answer

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    Ruby MCQ Questions with Answer   1. Is Ruby a specifically language? Indeed No Answer) Indeed   2. Ruby is an item situated broadly useful programming language.

  • Spring MCQ Questions with Answers

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    Spring MCQ Questions with Answers   Q 1 - Which are the modules of center compartment? Beans, Center, Setting, SpEL Center, Setting, ORM, Web Center, Setting, Viewpoints, Test

  • Laravel MCQ Question and Answer

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    Laravel MCQ Question and Answer   1. Bootstrap directory in Laravel is used to Initialize a Laraval application Call laravel library functions Load laravel classes and models

  • Python MCQ Question with Answers for Freshers

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    Python MCQ Question with Answers for Freshers   1. Which of the following is not a data type in Python? a) Integer b) Float c) String d) Character Answer: d) Character   2. What is

  • Bootstrap MCQ Questions with Answer

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    Bootstrap MCQ Questions with Answer   1. What is Bootstrap in statistics? A. A method of random sampling with replacement B. A non-parametric test C. A technique for estimating the samp

  • Hardware Basic Multiple Choice Question MCQ

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    1. Which of the following statement is not correct about DMA?(a) DMA is much faster and more efficient than a CPU processor to perform I/O in the computer system.(b) DMA sends data from memory to an I

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